Trio Badachin  
Ethnic Jazz - Worldmusic - Soundscapes
Trio Badachin

Known for their unique and stylistically open approach, Lukas Schiemer, Benjamin Schiemer and Niklas Satanik take listeners on a rich and varied sonic journey that crosses multiple genres and regions – from the Alps, through to the Danube metropolis Vienna, the vast plains of Eastern Europe, eventually to India, and even to the Mississippi Delta. A thrilling and entertaining musical road trip that invites you to sit back and enjoy the ride.

The trio performs regularly in Europe and toured to Mexico, Africa and Argentina. They have produced the CDs Kutsche Feuerland and Die Reise im Abbruchhaus.
Recent engagements include performances of "Fünf Mann Menschen" at the Vienna Radio Hall as well as the UNESCO International Jazz Day over the roofs of Jerusalem’s historic Old City.

 © S. Schiemer
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